WeSwim runs club is at Golden Lane Leisure Centre in the City Of London.
If you have any general questions about swimming with WeSwim you can view them here.
Golden Lane Leisure Centre is based at Fann St, Fane Lane, Golden Lane Estate, London EC1Y 0SH, 0.2 miles from Barbican Station and is a multi-sport community sports centre.
There are steps or a pedestrian ramp to access to the leisure centre, with level access once inside. Access to the pool is via a ladder or chair hoist. Lockers require a padlock.
We have dedicated use of the 20m pool, where you will be supported by our team of friendly, enthusiastic and trained volunteers, providing a safe, private environment to swim in.
The weekly session will be held on Wednesdays from 6.15pm to 7.30pm. After your swim there will be an opportunity to chat to other swimmers and volunteers over a well earned refreshments in the swimming pool reception.
The sessions and community at WeSwim Vauxhall are led by a fabulous committee, who will also act as our safeguarding officers and manage a team of volunteers to support our swimmers.



You can learn more about WeSwim’s swimmers and volunteers in Community section.
We ask swimmers for a £2.00 contribution per session to help support the on-going operation of the club. If you have worries about being able to pay this on a regular basis please talk to tash@weswim.club.
Interested? Register today!
If you are interested in swimming with us and are over 18 years old then to register your interest in sessions online please use the link below. If you are unable to submit the online form or have questions not covered by our FAQs page, please contact cameron@weswim.club.