Below are frequently asked questions related to WeSwim Old Street and Ironmonger Row Baths specifically. If you have questions questions related to WeSwim sessions generally then you can read them here.
There are no steps getting into the leisure centre or from reception to the pool. Electric wheelchairs can navigate the whole way step free.
We currently work in both the smaller training pool and a couple of lanes of the large pool at Ironmonger Row Baths:
Small Pool
There is accessible shallow steps into the pool, a platform hoist, and wet side wheelchair.
The training pool we have exclusive use of, offering safety & privacy Shallow steps and a platform providing access to the training pool Spectator gallery for the training pool where family & carers can sit
Large Pool
The large pool also has platform hoist with wet side chair, and also has an arm hoist.
- Ironmonger Row Baths large pool lift and chair hoist
- Ironmonger Row Baths large pool steps
There is one male, one female changing and one unisex changing room. There is also a separate disabled changing room, with a hoist. The unisex changing rooms have small cubicles in them. The shower area is unisex and by the entrance to the pool.
Hoist & toilet in the disability changing room at Ironmonger Row Baths Wetside wheelchair in disability changing room at Ironmonger Row Baths
Special water wheelchairs are available for use in the changing and pool area.
The lockers at Ironmonger Row Baths take a £1.00 coin.